GMG Partners is the service and expertise platform for the catering sector, above all for the bakery segment and its various applications, stemming from the extensive experience of the Tagliavini group, today one of world’s leading bakery and confectionery equipment manufacturers.
GMG Partners has created the REDIPANE bakery café concept, the first and most innovative success story in the recent history of the catering sector. It focuses on the universe of bakery and the “white art” in general, including its remarkable emotional aspects.

In 2006 GMG Partners finalised the GLOBAL ONE project, a true solution provider that brings solutions and services for large retailers or caterers together into a single, integrated platform. The wide range of expertise offered, together with the product assortment, has enabled GLOBAL ONE to bring to fruition almost one hundred projects on catering concepts as well as the design and restructuring of bakery areas for some of Italy’s top retailers.
From technical to interior design, from product assortment to staff training, the element in common is a method that starts from a profound knowledge of the most frequent critical issues.
Ideal solutions by business area to fully express the project’s potential, also from the point of view of management excellence.